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  3. Brandon Greene: Hacia una comunidad mejor

Brandon Greene: Hacia una comunidad mejor

¿Qué sucedería si los niños se encargaran de mejorar sus escuelas y comunidades? Esa es la pregunta que se hizo hace algunos años Brandon Greene, que acaba de pasar a segundo año en la Escuela Secundaria Burrillville de Rhode Island.

As part of a 6th grade school project, Greene created a small committee to give back to his school and community and spread an anti-bullying message. Esta comisión, que eventualmente se convirtió en A Better Community (ABC), trabaja para crear un entorno escolar positivo y alentar a los alumnos a entrar en acción y frenar el acoso escolar cuando lo presencien. One of their first projects was passing out “Bully Free” buttons, but ABC has also expanded its mission to promoting good deeds. Last winter, the committee held a coat drive and collected 114 coats in the eight days before Christmas. The group distributed coats to each and every person on the Burrillville waiting list.

¡Es maravilloso que lo que comenzó como un proyecto escolar años atrás llevaría a Greene al Despacho Oval! Greene's actions against bullying were honored at last March's White House Conference on Bullying Prevention, where he had a chance to share his story with President Obama and the First Lady. For Greene, meeting the President was the highlight of the conference: "The fact that I was sitting in the Oval Office talking with the highest authority in the United States was just unbelievable," said Greene. Es algo que nunca olvidaré en mi vida.

Today, Greene is continuing his work with ABC by helping the committee's new leaders learn the ropes and increase ABC's impact. When asked what advice he would give students looking to help others being bullied, Greene had this to offer: "Find a school teacher to help get something started in their school. Si los maestros tienen alguna idea, intenten ponerlas en práctica y ver qué sucede. Hasta lo más pequeño ayuda a las víctimas del acoso, y liderar un grupo o proyecto podría ser una experiencia divertida y didáctica. Who knows, maybe they could meet the President someday!"

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