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  3. Adolescentes emplean el teatro para transmitir mensajes sobre cómo prevenir el acoso

Adolescentes emplean el teatro para transmitir mensajes sobre cómo prevenir el acoso

Ben Powell ha tocado para otros desde los 3 años. Ahora, a los 19, disfruta de actuar, cantar y tocar la guitarra y el trombón. Como estudiante de secundaria, Ben usaba su talento para impactar a su comunidad. En especial, Ben y sus compañeros crearon una producción teatral para concientizar sobre las posibles consecuencias del acoso. Con el apoyo de su profesor de teatro de la secundaria, él y otros estudiantes desarrollaron el proyecto:

"Nuestro profesor de teatro se nos acercó y nos presentó la idea de que un mensaje para los estudiantes podría ser más efectivo si quienes lo brindaban eran sus compañeros. Por ello, nuestra clase de teatro escribió el argumento. También ayudamos a diseñar los set y fuimos los actores principales en la producción".

The group called the project Teen Reality. Parecido a la atracción de una casa embrujada, los miembros de la audiencia recorrieron los set para conocer los distintos escenarios. La trama se centró en varios jóvenes.  These youth included those who bullied, a young person who was the target of bullying, and youth who witnessed the behavior. The characters in the play experienced negative outcomes that can be linked to bullying. For example, they dealt with mental health issues, substance abuse, and suicide.

"We chose to focus on bullying so we could show people that their words and actions can have a huge impact on someone's life.  We also wanted to show the psychological scarring that being bullied or bullying others can cause. It does not always happen, but bullying someone can lead to very serious consequences. That was the overarching message for the play."

The drama teacher and students gained the support of the school district and broader community. They received support from the school board, city council, law enforcement, hospitals, and other local groups and businesses.

The primary audience for the play was middle and high school students in Ben's school district in Southeastern Georgia. At the end of each performance, the group organized school assemblies to further discuss bullying and its effects. Students were able to speak about their experiences with bullying. The reach of the production went beyond the student body. Ben and his drama team peers performed for other community members. A local television station also aired the play.

"I thought the message would fall on deaf ears, but I realized it was impactful. People were emotional and their reactions made me realize its impact. I felt fortunate to be a part of people's experiences and to have possibly influenced their behaviors."

Ben graduated from high school last May. He is now a freshman in college at Georgia Southern University. He is pursuing a degree in multimedia communications.  His goal is to have a career in the entertainment industry. Ben would like to continue using his skills and talents to promote efforts to prevent bullying:

"I plan to live my life by example.  My goal is to show people that there is no good excuse for bullying, no matter what the reason is.  In the future, I want to join more organizations and find more opportunities to help spread this message.  I want to set an example with my lifestyle choices and find anyway to help spread the news the best way that I can."

Are you a teen interested in developing bullying prevention activities in your area? Visit our Teens page for tips on how to get started.