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Mes de concientización para la prevención del acoso: un mes para aprender

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Este mes, distintos grupos de todo el país comprometidos a detener el acoso escolar lanzarán nuevos recursos, campañas y trabajos para concientizar a la población acerca de este importante tema al que se enfrentan nuestros jóvenes.  Este mes nos recuerda que debe abordarse la prevención del acoso, y una forma de lograrlo es a través de la educación de nosotros mismos, de nuestras comunidades y de los jóvenes en nuestras vidas.

In the spirit of lifelong learning on this issue, the Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention are launching several initiatives and resources this month through These efforts are highly important for reaching out not only to parents, teachers, and the youth themselves, but also to the media who play an important role in telling the stories we hear about bullying.

Here are just some of the great efforts in store during Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.

  • Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention.  Media coverage of social issues has a big impact on how communities understand and address problems. Las investigaciones y las opiniones de expertos sugieren que algunas tendencias en la cobertura de los medios del acoso pueden causar daño. This guidance offers help to journalists, bloggers, the entertainment creative community, and others who are developing content about bullying to engage in responsible reporting on this important topic.
  • Youth Engagement Event. Across the country, youth are encouraged to talk about bullying by organizing bullying prevention social and educational events through youth organizations in their communities.  Youth can report back on these activities through our Tumblr page. For more information, visit
  • Conversation Starters Mobile App. Later this month, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will release an app for parents to help start conversations with their kids about bullying.
  • Centro de capacitación sobre prevención del acoso.  Esta sección renovada de la página web ofrece un sitio único con los materiales de capacitación para educadores y líderes comunitarios. These new materials will be available in late October in our Training Center on
  • Dear Colleague Letter. The Department of Education has issued guidance in the form of a Dear Colleague letter that provides an overview of school districts’ responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to address bullying of students with disabilities.

Keep up to date on the latest bullying prevention resources and tools and sign up for e-mail updates from

With all of these new resources and attention, it’s a great time to consider how you can help raise awareness about bullying and take action to stop it. Tell us what you are going to do by engaging on Facebook and Twitter.