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Acoso escolar, violencia y pandillas

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El acoso se está convirtiendo en una preocupación cada vez mayor en todas las escuelas de Estados Unidos.  Se han realizado muchas investigaciones sobre las superposiciones entre el acoso escolar y otras formas de violencia juvenil, incluidas aquellas relacionadas con pandillas y los riesgos de salud conductual, como el consumo de sustancias. Bullying can be a big issue for schools since it not only creates a poor school environment for students but also impacts school staff.

A recent article in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence looks at the link between bullying involvement and other forms of youth violence and substance use. The study builds on prior research on the risks associated with bullying, especially among kids involved as primarily bullies as well as bully/victims. Este amplía la investigación anterior, ya que analiza formas más graves de violencia, como la participación en pandillas y la posesión de armas, y tiene en cuenta los posibles impactos de la comunidad y el origen étnico del alumno. Highlights of the study’s report include:

  • The risks present among high school youth (grades 9–12), an age when the risk for more serious types of substance use, violence, and school failure is much higher than in elementary and middle school.
  • While the study suggests a great need for bullying prevention programming at the high school level, virtually no bullying prevention programs have been thoroughly tested or been shown to be highly effective among high school students.
  • Few models have been tested in U.S. urban settings, or with large populations of African American students.
  • The study highlights the need for more specific programming aimed at adolescents already involved in bullying, especially the bully/victim.
  • Como el acoso escolar y otros comportamientos que implican un riesgo para la salud pueden presentarse juntos, surge la necesidad de una mayor programación que se enfoque en el amplio rango de problemas juveniles. Esto podría incluir la promoción de habilidades fundamentales que tengan un impacto sobre múltiples resultados, y no únicamente sobre un comportamiento en particular, como el acoso escolar.

The lead author of this article, Catherine Bradshaw, will conduct a live webinar on the results of this study on Wednesday, May 22 from 4:00 - 5:30 PM EDT and Thursday, May 23 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT. The webinar is hosted by the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments. Encontrará más información sobre el seminario virtual, como detalles de inscripción, en el siguiente enlace.

Register for the webinar.